The Complex Journey Towards Authenticity: Unmasking Our True Selves

In a world that often glorifies conformity and fitting in, the concept of authenticity seems like it has become a buzzword. But what does it really mean to be authentic? In a recent episode of the Living Lucky podcast, hosts Jana Shelfer and I dive into the intricacies of authenticity and its role in manifesting our dreams. We have profound insights into the challenges of being our true selves and offer practical advice on how to embrace authenticity in our lives.

Unmasking Social Selves:

We begin by addressing the social selves that we all possess. These social selves are like pliable Play-Doh, adapting to the expectations of the people around us. But why do we feel the need to mold ourselves into what we think others want us to be? According to Jana, this desire to conform is ingrained in us as a survival mechanism, going back to our primitive days when blending in meant safety. I concur, explaining that our amygdala, or primitive brain, urges us to fit in and play it safe.

Acting the Part:

It’s fascinating how often we don masks and play various roles in society, seeking validation and acceptance. Jana likens these roles to acting parts in a play, where we try to please others by playing the character they want us to be. But here lies the dilemma: while we may receive temporary praise for playing these roles, we gradually feel a disconnect between our true selves and the masks we wear. This inauthenticity leads to internal conflicts, building resentment and eventually making life more challenging.

The Battle Between Authenticity and Conformity:

Authenticity is about being true to our core selves. It's about living in alignment with our values and desires. However, this battle between authenticity and conformity can be deeply rooted within us. We crave the acceptance of others while yearning to express our unique truths. But when we compromise our authentic selves, we send mixed signals to the universe, hindering our ability to manifest our dreams.

Finding Confidence Through Authenticity:

Finding confidence in being authentic is key to creating the life we crave. When we are true to ourselves, we gain clarity on our wants and desires. Slowing down and quieting the outside noise is essential. By taking the time to meditate and reflect, we can reconnect with our core values and identify what truly matters to us. Through this introspection, we can filter out the shiny distractions and focus on what aligns with our authentic selves.

The Perplexity of Authenticity:

Embracing authenticity is not without its challenges. It requires a deep understanding of our true selves and the courage to disregard societal expectations. Jana highlights the struggle of many individuals who have pursued careers solely to please their parents or meet societal expectations. These decisions may lead to a misalignment with their core values and a constant battle between their true desires and external pressures.

Unveil Your Authentic Self:

We encourage you to embark on a journey toward unveiling you authentic self. Authenticity goes beyond just being true to oneself; it also involves being aware of the conflicting emotions and thoughts within us. By embracing authenticity, we can eliminate the chaos that arises from sending mixed signals to the universe.


The pursuit of authenticity is a complex and deeply personal journey. It requires us to untangle the layers of conditioning and societal expectations that have shaped our social selves. By embracing authenticity, we can confidently manifest our dreams and create lives that align with our deepest desires.

So, let us question the masks we wear, the roles we play, and the societal pressures that influence us. Let us slow down, reflect, and reconnect with our core values. Let us be brave in showing up as our true selves and dispelling the chaos that arises from living incongruently.

Authenticity may be an elusive concept in a world that often prioritizes conformity, but it is within our reach. By untangling the complexities and embracing our authentic selves, we can navigate the journey towards living lucky—a life that is truly our own.

Jana and I are hosting a free 4 day workshop-style challenge called Finding Your Inner Voice September 12-15. If you could show up more confidently and authentically you in the world, this workshop will help you with clarity and personal power. We hope you will join us.
More important than self-mastery and personal growth and development is your personal community of like-minded, growth oriented peers moving in the same direction. A community that supports you and fans the flames of your authenticity, of your dreams, and doesn’t stomp them out. If you are ready for full power change, at least join the LIVING LUCKY COMMUNITY to see what all the commotion is about. Energy is contagious.


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