In the midst of the hustle and bustle, with the echoes of laughter and perhaps some tensions lingering from family gatherings, and amidst the frenzy of Black Friday and the upcoming holiday season, there's a quiet pursuit that often gets drowned out – the pursuit of wisdom.

At Living Lucky, our journey has been a dance between chasing wisdom and recognizing that, in its profound elegance, wisdom is also chasing us, seeking to impart its invaluable teachings in every fleeting moment.

The pursuit of our dreams often feels like an endless race against time, a chase that exhausts our spirits and leaves us yearning for more. We have goals, dreams, and aspirations, yet in the whirlwind of expectations, it's easy to lose sight of the wisdom that surrounds us.

We rush through life, propelled by an unrelenting drive for success and fulfillment. But in our haste, we often outpace wisdom, missing the subtleties that carry the deepest insights.

Consider the beauty of a moment where we allow ourselves to slow down, just a fraction. A moment where we choose to embrace the rhythm of life instead of competing with it. It is in this moment of gentle pause that the magic of wisdom unfolds. It’s in the calm between breaths that the most profound lessons manifest.

At Living Lucky, this belief is the cornerstone of our journey. We don't just advocate for personal development; we embody it. We believe that by slowing down, even just a bit, we invite the wisdom we seek. Every coaching session, every speaking engagement, and every interaction with our community is guided by this principle – the principle of living in the present moment and heeding the whispers of wisdom that echo in the silence.

Our path isn’t solely about reaching milestones or achieving goals; it's about relishing each step, each lesson learned. We invite you to join us on this journey, not merely in pursuit of success, but in pursuit of understanding, growth, and gratitude.

As Black Friday whirls around and the world gears up for the holidays, many find themselves standing on the cusp of another year, feeling the weight of unmet aspirations and unrealized dreams. The frustration mounts as time seems to slip away, leaving them grappling with a sense of stagnation.

But here's the beacon of hope: amidst the chaos, within the silent spaces, there exists a sanctuary. A sanctuary where we can pause, reflect, and embrace the wisdom that surrounds us. It’s in these moments of reflection that we find the strength to rewrite our narratives, to steer our journeys toward fulfillment.

So, as we stand at the threshold of a new year, let's pause. Let's breathe. Let's allow wisdom to catch up with us. For it's in these gentle pauses that we discover the transformative power of the present moment.

Join us at Living Lucky as we embrace this philosophy, not just for ourselves but as an invitation to all. Let's journey together, not just towards success, but towards a deeper understanding of ourselves, towards growth, towards gratitude.

May this Black Friday mark not just the beginning of a shopping season but the start of a mindful, intentional journey – a journey where wisdom intertwines with our pursuits, guiding us towards a life rich in purpose and fulfillment.

Jason Shelfer


Mind & Body Empowerment: Guard Your Orifices to Start LivingLucky


Come Alive: Embracing the Mid-Life Awakening