Shifting from 'Trying' to 'Committing': The Path to Unwavering Success

"What are you 'trying' to do and what are you 'committing' to do?" This simple question holds the key to unlocking the profound impact of our words on our actions and ultimately, our lives.

Often, we casually throw around the word 'try' as a safety net, a cushion that allows room for failure without holding ourselves fully accountable. Think about it: "I'll try to be there," "I'll try to get it done," "I'll try to make it happen." Yet, hidden within 'trying' are the convenient causeways, escape routes that lead us away from our commitments, giving us the option to bail when the going gets tough.

Conversely, 'committing' is a pact we make with ourselves and the universe. It's setting clear boundaries, the 'permission parameters' Jana so aptly describes. When we commit, we eliminate the escape routes. There's no 'try,' only 'do.' It's a mindset shift that changes our trajectory from mere intention to unwavering determination.

Language holds immense power in shaping our reality. Take the simple example of responding to an invitation: "I'll try to make it." How often do we use this phrase, leaving the door open for a 'maybe,' an option to back out? It's a small but telling indication of how we approach our commitments.

Similarly, in larger decisions, like investing in an ambitious property, saying, "We're going to 'try' to find a lender," immediately introduces doubt. It's granting ourselves permission to step away when the path gets rough.

The impact of our words extends far beyond mere conversations; it shapes our actions, beliefs, and eventually, our reality. Neuroscience corroborates this: studies show that when we say we'll 'try,' the brain engages different regions related to uncertainty and hesitation. However, when we commit, it activates regions associated with decision-making and determination.

Notice your language. Are you 'trying' or are you 'committing'? Challenge yourself to shift from 'trying' to 'committing' in your daily conversations and decisions.

Embracing the power of commitment is transformative. It's not just about changing words; it's about changing your world. Ready to transform 'trying' into 'committing'? Let's start the journey together. Contact me for guidance and insights at and let's turn your intentions into unwavering commitments.

Living Lucky®

Jason Shelfer"

Why don’t you start by committing to check out our podcast on the topic?
Living Lucky Podcast with Jason & Jana Banana
Season 5 Episode 73
Confronting the 'Try' Mentality: Shifting from Convenience to Commitment" on Living Lucky

In the meantime, here are some practical tips and strategies to integrate the concept of "committing" into daily life:

  1. Use Affirmative Language: Replace "I'll try" with "I will" or "I am committed to." For instance, instead of saying, "I'll try to finish this project," say, "I am committed to completing this project by Friday."

  2. Create SMART Goals: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. By specifying your intentions clearly, you set the stage for commitment.

  3. Visual Reminders: Write down your commitments and place them where you'll see them daily, such as sticky notes on your desk or in your planner. Visual cues reinforce your determination.

  4. Practice Gratitude and Visualization: Start or end your day by visualizing yourself achieving your commitments. Combine this with gratitude for what you have accomplished or will achieve.

  5. Establish Accountability: Share your commitments with someone supportive. This can be a friend, family member, or a coach who can help keep you accountable.

  6. Journaling: Reflect on your progress regularly. Journal about the commitments you've made, the progress you've achieved, and any challenges you've faced. Note how your language and mindset evolve.

  7. Implement Micro-Habits: Break larger commitments into smaller, actionable steps. Completing these micro-commitments reinforces your dedication and progress.

  8. Practice Self-Compassion: If you stumble on a commitment, avoid self-criticism. Instead, recommit and focus on the next step forward. Acknowledge the effort you've put in and learn from setbacks.

  9. Daily Mantra or Affirmation: Develop a positive affirmation related to your commitment and repeat it daily. For example, "I am fully committed to my goals, and I take consistent action to achieve them."

  10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your commitments. If necessary, adjust your goals or approach based on what's working and what isn't.

Remember, the key to integrating commitment into daily life is consistency. Small, incremental steps toward your commitments compound over time, leading to significant changes and accomplishments.
Keep Living Lucky®


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